From 10 April to 6 October, seven monumental artworks by Michel Bassompierre will be on display in the lobby and on the roof terrace of Monaco’s Oceanographic Museum. For the first time, the artist is focusing exclusively on polar fauna, which is under threat from climate change. To mark the occasion, the sculptor unveiled 4 new polar bears and a three-metre-high emperor penguin.
While the polar bear sees the pack ice on which it hunts shrink, the bird is forced to travel further and further to feed its offspring. These artworks invite visitors to the museum to preserve the poles, immense icy deserts that are essential to the balance of our planet.
” By arousing wonder, these fragile behemoths question and challenge visitors about the extreme vulnerability of these species. These artworks confront the public with the current challenges of protecting biodiversity and contribute to our historic mission of making the ocean known, loved and protected,” says Robert Calcagno, Director General of the Oceanographic Institute.
This exhibition reminds us that through our actions, we can leave tomorrow’s generations a varied and beautiful world and ecosystem.