On the night of 4 to 5 February, street artist James Colomina installed the sculpture ‘ELON’S ARM’ on a Tesla charging point in Barcelona, in reaction to the highly controversial gesture made by the billionaire at the end of January.
“A charging point is supposed to power the future, inject energy, open up a new era. But here, it’s something else that’s being recharged. It’s like feeding a weapon, reviving an idea. Installing this arm on a bollard highlights how certain messages can reactivate dangerous references and take root in people’s minds. With this work, I simply want to remind you that symbols have an essential role : they can enlighten or blind, depending on what we choose to inscribe on them”. – says the artist
At the same time, James Colomina has also installed ‘L’ATTRAPE-COEUR’ in a street in the Catalan capital. The masked child, now a vigilante, fights indifference and calls for the world to be transformed into a more united and just place. This figure of resistance reappears regularly in his work, inviting everyone to rethink their values and their role in society.